If you’re quicker to speak and react than listen and understand—which turns out to be all of us!—you’ll appreciate James’ wisdom about how to live God’s way. Check out last week’s message from James 1:22-27.
Wisdom is the fundamental thing we lack and need in trials. It's also what God wants to give to us. Click through to hear Sunday's sermon and find questions for small group or personal reflection.
We have to battle through our hurts to do God’s work and pray. Click through for Sunday's sermon and for discussion questions for small group or personal use.
Jesus is the CEO of heaven and earth. What does his authority as risen Lord mean for our lives? Click through for Sunday's sermon and for discussion questions for small group or personal use.
King Jesus' coronation should compel us to align ourselves with him as our King. Listen to last week's sermon and click to see questions for personal and small group use.
Every day we are confronted with a choice between Jesus and Barabbas. Click through for Sunday's sermon and for discussion questions for your personal or small group use.
Facing our capacity for failure is one of the ways we learn about our our sin and God’s grace. Click through for Sunday's sermon and for discussion questions for small group or personal use.
Jesus was able to endure condemnation because he was attuned to the voice that really matters. Click through for Sunday's sermon and discussion questions for personal or small group use.
Jesus’ enemies aren’t his only problem... his followers are, too. Click through for Sunday's sermon and discussion questions for personal or small group use.
We can have hope in our sorrow because Jesus became a man of sorrow with us and for us. Click through to hear Sunday's sermon and find questions for personal or small group study.
Jesus invites us to his table not because he knows our worth but because he knows our need. Click through to hear Sunday's sermon and find questions for personal or small group study.