Sunday Worship
to May 15

Sunday Worship

Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.

If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you’re welcome to join our virtual gathering via YouTube. Click on the link below and select the appropriate date.

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Women's Tuesday Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Tuesday Bible Study

The Tuesday study starts up on January 21 and will continue through April 8. The group will study Daniel, using the “Knowing The Bible” study guide by Todd Wilson. The book can be purchased on Amazon or through the PCA bookstore. For more information, please see Polly or Pat.

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Congregational Meeting
12:15 PM12:15

Congregational Meeting

There will be an important congregational meeting on Sunday, March 2, immediately after the morning service. We encourage members and regular attenders to join us as we hear from some key ministry team leaders and take care of some essential business within our church family.

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Family Promise Week
to Feb 8

Family Promise Week

The next Family Promise week will be February 2 - 8. Family Promise prevents and ends homelessness for families with children and helps them achieve sustainable independence. Grace is partnering with Communion Church to house and feed a handful of families for a week at a time a few times a year. There are many ways to participate – see one of the deacons if you have questions.

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Grace Picnic in the Flower Fields!
1:00 PM13:00

Grace Picnic in the Flower Fields!

After service on September 8, we will converge on Anne’s amazing flower fields! Plan to bring a chair for everyone in your family group, any lawn games you have to play, and your delicious dish to share. The location: Anne's Flower Fields, 20555 Dry Slough Road, Mount Vernon WA. Things to know: there is not a power source on-site, so please keep that in mind when planning your dish. There IS running water (via a hose), as well as a Port-a-Potty with a handwashing station.

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Call for Elder & Deacon Nominations
to May 19

Call for Elder & Deacon Nominations

The Session and Diaconate of Grace are calling for nominations for the offices of Elder and Deacon. We are setting a deadline for this round of nominations of Sunday May 19th. After that the Session will approach nominees and determine their willingness to serve. You can make nominations either online here, or by filling out a nomination form on Sunday and depositing it in the black offering box.

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Lenten Prayer
to Mar 29

Lenten Prayer

Join Pastor Evin each weekday morning during Lent for a time of prayer and scripture reading. The Prayer Guide that will be used is available for you to engage with as best suits your needs. You may join Evin live at 7am on his YouTube Channel or view the recorded video at your convenience. Participation is in no way compulsory, but is meant to encourage us all to spend some intentional time in prayer and devotion during the Lenten season.

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Congregational Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Congregational Meeting

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, July 9, as a congregation vote will be held immediately following the service on whether to call Evin Langley to pastorship at Grace. Given the high attendance flux in the summer months, we are giving several weeks’ notice, and we highly encourage all members and regular attenders to join us for this important vote as we move towards the next season in the life of Grace as a church.

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Sunday Worship
10:45 AM10:45

Sunday Worship

We are currently meeting on Zoom. We will open the room at 10:45am, and service will begin at 11:00am. There will be no in-person service at the SDA building.

10:45am — Virtual Doors Open 
11:00am — Service Begins
12:00pm — Breakout Rooms

Zoom Information:

If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.

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Sunday Worship
10:40 AM10:40

Sunday Worship

Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.

If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you’re welcome to join our virtual gathering. We will have a time to greet one another starting at 10:40am, then at 11:00am we will join the rest of the Grace family at the in-person worship service streaming live.

10:40am -- Virtual Doors Open 
11:00am -- Join the rest of the Grace family via livestream from the sanctuary for the worship service

Zoom Information:

If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.

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Sunday Worship
10:40 AM10:40

Sunday Worship

Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.

If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you’re welcome to join our virtual gathering. We will have a time to greet one another starting at 10:40am, then at 11:00am we will join the rest of the Grace family at the in-person worship service streaming live.

10:40am -- Virtual Doors Open 
11:00am -- Join the rest of the Grace family via livestream from the sanctuary for the worship service

Zoom Information:

If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.

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Sunday Worship
10:40 AM10:40

Sunday Worship

Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.

If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you’re welcome to join our virtual gathering. We will have a time to greet one another starting at 10:40am, then at 11:00am we will join the rest of the Grace family at the in-person worship service streaming live.

10:40am -- Virtual Doors Open 
11:00am -- Join the rest of the Grace family via livestream from the sanctuary for the worship service

Zoom Information:

If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.

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Sunday Worship
10:40 AM10:40

Sunday Worship

Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.

If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you’re welcome to join our virtual gathering. We will have a time to greet one another starting at 10:40am, then at 11:00am we will join the rest of the Grace family at the in-person worship service streaming live.

10:40am -- Virtual Doors Open 
11:00am -- Join the rest of the Grace family via livestream from the sanctuary for the worship service

Zoom Information:

If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.

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Sunday Worship
10:40 AM10:40

Sunday Worship

Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.

If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you’re welcome to join our virtual gathering. We will have a time to greet one another starting at 10:40am, then at 11:00am we will join the rest of the Grace family at the in-person worship service streaming live.

10:40am -- Virtual Doors Open 
11:00am -- Join the rest of the Grace family via livestream from the sanctuary for the worship service

Zoom Information:

If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.

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Sunday Worship
10:40 AM10:40

Sunday Worship

Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.

If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you’re welcome to join our virtual gathering. We will have a time to greet one another starting at 10:40am, then at 11:00am we will join the rest of the Grace family at the in-person worship service streaming live.

10:40am -- Virtual Doors Open 
11:00am -- Join the rest of the Grace family via livestream from the sanctuary for the worship service

Zoom Information:

If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.

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Sunday Worship
10:40 AM10:40

Sunday Worship

Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.

If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you’re welcome to join our virtual gathering. We will have a time to greet one another starting at 10:40am, then at 11:00am we will join the rest of the Grace family at the in-person worship service streaming live.

10:40am -- Virtual Doors Open 
11:00am -- Join the rest of the Grace family via livestream from the sanctuary for the worship service

Zoom Information:

If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.

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