Evin Langley
Installed as Senior Pastor September 17, 2023
Evin is husband to Heather since 2004, and they have three boys. The Langleys hail from Eugene, Oregon, where Evin was the Assistant Pastor at City Church (a PCA church in our Presbytery), faithfully holding down the positions of pastor, preacher, worship leader, and church administrator (phew!).
Evin earned a BA in History and a MEd from the University of Oregon, as well as a MDiv from Western Seminary, where he graduated with Highest Honors. Evin came to ministry late, after almost a decade of teaching high school students. In that context, he saw his role in their lives taking on more and more of a pastoral nature, ultimately inspiring a shift in vocation.
Early in Evin’s internship at City Church, the then senior pastor experienced a significant trauma in his life, which eventually led to his resignation some years later. As a result, for the past few years Evin has been serving a church body experiencing loss, anxiety, and regular and uncertain transition. In our extensive interviews with Evin and Heather, as well as others in his life and orbit, we have been inspired to see how this crucible has forged in Evin and Heather the flexibility, patience, empathy, humility, and love needed to walk with a congregation confidently but gently as it goes through a transition – all traits that we believe will map well to serving us as a transitioning church.
In addition to these proven pastoral sensibilities, Evin has a clear teaching gift. It was very important to us that we find a pastor who will strive first and foremost to connect our hearts and minds to the amazing love and healing grace of our God, and we were pleased to find this redemptive approach in Evin’s sermons. Those who have sat under Evin’s preaching have called him a “confessional” preacher: When a passage Evin is preaching challenges the reader to name sin, Evin (in Pauline fashion) is careful to locate himself right there with the rest of us. Though his voice is different, we believe Evin preaches in the same vein and will faithfully carry on the good work of Christ-focused, redemptive preaching which is such a beautiful part of Dave Klein’s legacy to us.