Our in-person worship service begins at 11:00am.
If you are not able to attend our in-person worship this week, you are welcome to join our virtual gathering. We will have a time to greet one another starting at 10:40am, then at 11:00am we will join the rest of the Grace family at the in-person worship service streaming live. At the conclusion of the service, stick around and continue the opportunity to catch up with others in break-out rooms.
10:40am -- Virtual Doors Open
11:00am -- Join the rest of the Grace family via livestream from the sanctuary for the worship service
Zoom Information:
Join via computer or mobile device by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/939342068?pwd=T0gyZHZ2OU5CajArQ2hPNUtmdi9mZz09
Join via phone: 1-669-900-6833. Enter Meeting ID: 939 342 068 and Password: 040916
If you need last-minute help joining the call, please reach out to Dorothy.